Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Beautiful Josephine.

Sister and I had grand plans to get a Cousin photo of Jamieson, Jack and Josephine and this is all we got. The boys were too busy playing.

Jack gives Sissy kisses.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Santa's Little Helpers

Jack decided to wrap Sissy up for Christmas.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Jack's new shoes

Christmas Jammies from Mimi

Jack is thrilled to have another photo taken of him. He's never happy in the morning.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Josie hanging with Grandma

Jack turned 2!

He had so much fun with his cousins! Playing trains with Brooke and Connor and Dancin' to the Wiggles with Jamieson!

Who is that beautiful girl?!

Josephine playing

Josephine getting ready for Christmas

Jack's Tatoo

This is what happens when Mama pays too much attention to Regis and Kelly.

Tree Cutting

Too bad we couldn't find the tree farm. We went home and made popcorn balls instead.

Papa turns 60

Grandpa Jamieson turned 60 on November 26. His favorite boys came out to party with him and dance with Aunt Lauren!