Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Harrison's Silly Faces

He's just getting bigger & cuter by the minute.  He is such a joy to have in our lives.  (Boy do I sound like my Mother!!!!!  Ha ha!)  He really is though.  Couldn't ask for a better baby.  Just about crawling, he's inch worming all around the room.  Watch out world!    

Thursday, April 3, 2008

check out my tooth!

I actually have 2 now and 2 more coming!  

It's been awhile!

Jack has just become such a sweet, cooperative boy 90% of the time.  He wants to help with whatever we are doing.  He just loves his brother and sister.  Especially his sister.  He's so helpful with her.  He will grab her hand and help her down the stairs.  It's so cute.  He also tells me when Sissy has to go potty.  He's such a good boy!
Josephine has turned 2 and boy you would know it!  She's still sweet as ever but I think might be a little bit spoiled.  (From her Daddy, of course)  She is now potty trained for the most part and wants to do everything herself.  She also wants to do everything Jack is doing.  She had some exciting new at her last hematologist appointment.  Her ANC was over 7000.  Yes, I said 7,000 not 700  We were in complete shock.  This doesn't mean she has grown out of her neutropenia yet but we are hoping that is what is happening!  Keep praying for her!  She a tough little girl! 
Harrison is just changing by the minute.  I can't believe he's 6 1/2 months old already.  He has gotten 2 teeth and is rolling from one end of the room to the other.  It won't be long before he's crawling.  He LOVES his big brother and sister.  He just stares at them and laughs at them constantly.